Building deployment pipelines
Martes 17 de septiembre de 2019 | 19:00h | @valenciadevops
Martes 17 de septiembre de 2019
Let's build some pipelines! The idea of this session is learn more about the different flows that we have to reach the production environment from the source code. For that we are going to define a deployment pipelines in pairs (flow diagram is enough) and later show them to the rest of the pairs arguing why you have done it that way and why you used that set of tools. We will have between 30 and 45 minutes to define the pipeline and work in the presentation to the rest of the pairs. Later we will have 5 minutes per pair to present the project + 5 minutes of feedback from the rest of the pairs. ** There is a limit of 8 pairs to don't do this very long and boring so RSVP only if you are completely sure, if you aren't leave the spot free. **