Develop a large product based application
Jueves 03 de noviembre de 2022 | 18:30h | @NewWork_es
Jueves 03 de noviembre de 2022
How a product-based company, unlike a consulting company, invests in technology to improve and maintain its products. Specifically, we’ll explore a real case about organizing a large iOS project along with its test architecture.
18:30 🍻Welcome
18:40 🎙 Playinme g with Modularization and Dependencies by Juantri Jiménez & Oswaldo Rubio A practical talk about how to move from a Cocoapods managed iOS Project with more than 100 modules to Swift Package Manager.
19:00 🎙 just Keeping your tests light by Pablo Balduz A closer look on how XCTestCase works under the hood and how we can solve the memory issues it raises.
19:20 🎙 Moving to a product company by Adrián Rodríguez Do you work in a consultant company and are you thinking about moving to a product company or vice versa? In this talk you will discover how different they are and which one maybe suits you best.
20:00 🍕🍻 Get together (free pizza and drinks)