The (Awesome) Future of Web Apps

Miércoles 07 de diciembre de 2016 | 19:00h | @vlcjs

Miércoles 07 de diciembre de 2016


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Para el próximo mes de diciembre tenemos una nueva charla sobre progressive web apps. Jad Joubran, ponente internacional e instructor around the world, estará de paso por Valencia y se ha ofrecido a darnos una charla. La charla será en inglés.

For the next event we have a special guest: Jad Joubran, international speaker and teacher around the world. He will come to speak about progressive web apps. 


The web is becoming more and more powerful everyday, especially with the launch of Progressive Web Apps. PWAs are experiences that combine the best of the web and the best of apps. You can now build web apps that run from your home screen, receive push notifications & work offline.

Join this talk for an interactive introduction into the world of Progressive Web Apps.

Jad Joubran, the speaker:

Very early on, at the age of 19, Jad Joubran founded eTobb. Nowadays, his experience revolves around mentoring developers across different channels, and coaching Web Development in Amsterdam, Brussels & Lisbon with Le Wagon.

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Call for Speakers

Estamos buscando speakers para charlas o workshops de 20-30 minutos hasta 1 hora. Si estás interesado en dar una charla, crea un issue en nuestro repositorio de github.