Valenciadevops - CI/CD with Strider

Miércoles 18 de mayo de 2016 | 19:00h | @valenciadevops

Miércoles 18 de mayo de 2016


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En esta ocasión David Lluna (@llunatweets) CTO de Hiphunters, nos hablara del sistema de CD/CI Strider. Durante la charla instalaremos StriderCD para crear y testear algunos proyectos opensource.

Strider is an Open Source Continuous Deployment / Continuous Integration platform. It is written in Node.JS / JavaScript and uses MongoDB as a backing store. It is published under the BSD license. Strider is extremely customizable through plugins. Plugins can add:

  • Hooks to perform arbitrary actions during build.
  • Modify the database schema to add custom fields.
  • Register their own HTTP routes.
  • Subscribe to and emit socket events.
  • Create or modify user interfaces within Strider.